正文第三章 代名词



  1. Mary is pretty; so is her sister.(Mary 很漂亮,她妹妹也一样。)

  2. Mary speaks French; so does her sister.(Mary 说法文,她妹妹也一样。)

  3. Mary is pretty; she is also smart.(Mary 很漂亮,她还很聪明。)

第 1 句当中以副词 so 替代前面的形容词 pretty 以避免重复。第 2 句当中以助动词 does 替​​代动词 speak 以避免重复。第 3 句则是以代词 she 替代名词 Mary 以避免重复。像 so、do、she 这些用来取代他人以避免重复的字,可以笼统称为代词(pro-forms)​。各种代词当中,写作时比较容易出错、因而也比较值得探讨的,就是代名词(pronouns)​。


  1. The dog ate the bone.(狗吃了骨头。)

  2. He liked it.(它很喜欢。)

句 2 中的 he 与 it 就是代名词,分别代替句 1 中的名词短语 the dog 与 the bone 以避免重复。 the dog 与 the bone 称为先行词(antecedents)​。



People often think that our difficulties are unique.(不佳)(大家经常以为我们碰到的困难是独一无二的。)

句中的代名词 our,代表的先行词是 people。但是,people 是第三人称、our 却是第一人称,并不一致。下面两种改法都符合一致性的要求,可以接受:

  • People often think that their difficulties are unique.

  • We often think that our difficulties are unique.


If the campaign succeeds in raising huge sums, the sponsors will devote it all to disaster relief.(误)(如果宣传运动成功募得巨款,主办单位将全数用于救灾。)

代名词 it 是单数,它代替的先行词 huge sums 却是复数,不一致。下面两种改法都可以:

  • If the campaign succeeds in raising huge sums, the sponsors will devote them all to disaster relief.

  • If the campaign succeeds in raising a huge sum, the sponsors will devote it all to disaster relief.


When a teacher takes his students on a field trip, he is fully responsible and must bring every one of them safely back to school with him.(不佳)(老师带学生做户外旅行时要负全责,必须把每一名学生安全带回学校。)

这里面有一个写作时会碰到的问题。如果先行词是某人、性别不清楚,从前的做法是一律视为男性、代名词使用 he 这一类。但是自从女权运动兴起、一些女权运动先驱率先解构语言文字,就不再适合把上述的情况一律视为男性,而应该用 he or she 这个比较男女平等的短语做代名词。不过,he or she 这种用法有时会显得很笨重。像上面那句话,尊重女权的话可能要这样讲才行:

  • When a teacher takes his or her students on a field trip, he or she is fully responsible and must bring every one of them safely back to school with him or her.(不佳)


    • When a teacher takes her students on a field trip, she is fully responsible and must bring every one of them safely back to school with her.


Although the new regulations allow them to do it, high school graduates seldom go abroad for higher education.(不佳)(虽然新规定允许这样做,但是高中毕业生还是很少出国深造。)

代名词 it 必须有一个先行词,而且这个先行词应该是名词短语。但是整句话中找不到 it 的先行词是什么。从意思上判断的话似乎代表的是 go abroad for higher education,但那是以动词 go 为主的「谓语」、并非名词短语,所以不宜使用代名词 it 来替代。应该改写如下:

  • Although the new regulations allow them to do so, high school graduates seldom go abroad for higher education. 改成 do so,没有了代名词、变成助动词 do 加上副词 so,「这样做」,代表的就是后面 go abroad for higher education 这个部分。



  • When tourists first arrived in this new resort, the locals thought they were very lucky people.(不佳)(观光客第一次抵达这个新渡假区时,当地人认为他们是非常幸运的人。)

    这个句子不好,因为没把话讲清楚。代名词 they 有两个可能的先行词:tourists 与 the locals。这种情况就会造成模棱两可。如果 they 的先行词是 tourists,这个句子的意思是「当地人认为这些观光客是幸运儿」—— 可能是羡慕这些观光客有钱有闲。反之,如果 they 的先行词是 the locals,这个句子就得解读为「当地人认为自己是幸运儿」——可能是想到可以发一笔观光财了。两种说法都讲得通,表示这个句子并没有把话讲清楚。代名词如果有两个可能的先行词,就会造成这样的结果,而这又是写作时经常犯的毛病,要特别注意。


    • When tourists first arrived in this new resort, the locals thought these outsiders were very lucky people.

    • When tourists first arrived in this new resort, the locals considered themselves very lucky people.